Until today, all
ΣPF11 H275Y* cases on file carried
106I on Neuraminidase.
TamiFlu resistant sequences from Washington landed with
106V. Each common amino acid at 106, Isoleucine and Valine, is now represented within
ΣPF11 TamiFlu resistant sequences. Additionally, WA28 and WA29 are
two of only three TamiFlu resistant strains to carry
248N; Osaka180 is the third. The remaining four GenBank sequences show
Note the reversal of amino acids in
ΣPF11 at residue 248 on the pairings (248 and 275) from Seasonal H1N1. Seasonal H1N1 from 2008 into 2009 is predominately
248N on
TamiFlu resistant strains with only three
248D sequences. Conversely, the largest percentage of
PF11 TamiFlu resistant strains carry
248D (57%). Does the
248N from WA28, WA29 and Osaka represent the
logical emergence of a second viable branching with
275Y on the
PF11 background?
Surveillance is incomplete. No conclusions may be drawn at this point.
Human-fit Seasonal H1N1 from 2008 and 2009 typically demonstrates the
H275Y TamiFlu Resistance marker and a
NA Triple Combination at 106, 248 and 286:
106I, 248N, 275Y, 286G
Outside of the TamiFlu marker at residue 275, the remaining three aspects of the Seasonal H1N1
NA Triple Combination showing
106I, 248N and 286G are now represented in several dual permutations on the PF11 background. The variation through individual acquistion is trackable and continues in the past 12 weeks to
increase geographically, suggesting a progression to a potential fixing of the entire human-fit,
NA Triple Combination on
PF11 templates.
At this time, 17
PF11 specimens carry 2 of the 3 NA Triple factors. 13 of those 17 cases are concentrated in a tourist area of southwestern Europe that also has
PF11 specimens circulating in geographic proximity with the third seasonal marker,
286G, required to complete the NA Triple. These markers in the NA Triple Combination may herald as precursors for ease of
TamiFlu resistance acquisition or may simply mark a more human-fit Neuraminidase.
With those prerequisites concerning the base of
PF11 in place, now we return to examine the currently published
PF11 TamiFlu resistant sequences against these
NA Triple Combination markers. The following permutations are now represented on the
seven PF11 anti-viral resistant sequences:
106V, 248N, 275Y, 286S =
WA28, WA29
106I, 248N, 275Y, 286S = Osaka180
106I, 248D, 275Y, 286S = HK2369, Yamaguchi22, Denmark528, Hunan SWL3
Can we ascribe this set of unusual permuations to typical Pig=>Human
Influenza Flux? As
248N continues to spread widely on
PF11 backgrounds, will the pairing of
248N and
275Y become
dominant or will we see a future Hydra Effect with two fit branches?
* N1 numbering equal to H274Y TamiFlu resistance in H5N1
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