
TamiFlu Resistance #11 from Japan, A/Iwate/3, Exact Nucleotide Match to Denmark528

The eleventh TamiFlu Resistant specimen with a publicly available sequence, A/Iwate/3, was deposited today at GenBank with only Segment 4 (HA) and Segment 6 (NA).

The NA of Iwate3 is an exact match (469/469) with Denmark528, HK2369, Yamaguchi22, Hunan SWL3, Singapore57 and Tokushima2.  Iwate3 is also an exact nucleotide level match to Denmark528.

On Iwate3 TamiFlu Resistance is indicated in typical PF11 fashion via a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism coding for 275Y on the Neuraminidase. The sequence displays the following NA Quadruple Combination:

106I, 248D, 275Y, 286S

The following permutations are now represented on the eleven PF11 anti-viral resistant sequences:

106V, 248N, 275Y, 286S = WA28, WA29, TX47
106I, 248N, 275Y, 286S = Osaka180
106I, 248D, 275Y, 286S = HK2369, Yamaguchi22, Denmark528, Hunan SWL3, Singapore57, Tokushima2, Iwate3

Until the 2009-08-21 deposit of the two Washington sequences, all 275Y TamiFlu-Resistant specimens on PF11 backgrounds were paired with 106I.  We continue to see only 3 of the 11 with 106V.

The addition of Iwate3 heavily leverages position 248 toward Aspartate (D) with 7 specimens versus 4 with Asparagine (N). No TamiFlu Resistant specimen on file displays 286G as yet.

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