During the Summer of 2009, an unsuspecting twelve year old boy in Veneto, Italy may have become the host of an influenza strain that is now
setting the Pandemic 2.0 stage.
The Northern Italian region of Veneto has a population nearing 5 million and hosts
60 million tourists each year with many passing through the canals of the capital, Venice. The
Laguna Veneta is the largest wetland in the Mediterrean (340mi
2 / 550km
2) and the delta serves a wide range of migratory bird species.
The University of Padova lab deposited 24 Neuraminidase (N1) sequences today from Italy sampled during July 2009 (
Pandemic 1.5) bringing the total number of Italian NA segments on file to 26. Antigenic diversity is observed in the Italian sequences, several with novel introductions, but the point variations are not our primary interest in this very important deposit.
One sequence from the Padova lab signals the first recorded instance of a
key transition for this pandemic. The
NA Triple Combination may mark an axis or inflection point for
A/Italy/134, from a student (12M) in Veneto, demonstrates a
match to Seasonal Influenza in a permutation of 3 key markers that we have anticipated as a
potential catalyst to
Pandemic 2.0.
A Balkan emergence had generated the highest probability in our research with the Italian peninsula and bounding northern states ranking as "Very Probable". Few sequences have been made available to evaluate the Balkan states during this pandemic, so we cannot determine if the recombinations occurred in that area as well as in Italy. Emergence was expected within a 250 mile radius (400km) of a significant body of water, particularly the
Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea or the western boundary of the Caspian Sea. Of course, we may be searching for our keys under the streetlamp. So little surveillance is surfaced at this point that rough estimates are the maximum any lab may produce.
Italy134, this
coalescing set of 3 human-fit markers, predicted by our research in mid-May, emerged during the summer,
recombined as expected onto the swine N1 background. As you may observe from the positional study, this sequence may have required
two or more in situ polymorphisms from consensus within this geography to gain these genetics. In the estimation of our research team, random mutation is a
less than stellar explanation. Human-fit Seasonal Influenza and
ΣPF11 now have much more in common as
ΣPF11 moves into tighter conformation potentially gaining trait enhancements.
Neuraminidase Triple Combination
106I, 248N, 286G :
106I, 248N, 286G : Seasonal Influenza 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
106I, 248N, 286G :
H5N1 (Avian, Human), H1N1 (Avian, Swine)
106I, 248N, 286G :
1918 Brevig Mission
This July sequence lays additional groundwork for attractant donations from candidates in previously observed donor serotypes.
Few Italian points of comparison are available prior to this large NA deposit. Of the two,
NA Italy05 is unremarkable for this study and
NA Italy127 is
quite remarkable due to temporal and geographic proximity, as you will see in the Italian permutation discussion. We also note that the Hemagglutinin segments so prolifically available from Italy demonstrate
exceptional variance (
20 major polymorphisms from 34 Sequences). These Hemagglutinin amino acid revisions include, but are not limited to, 137T, 199N, 200T, 219T,
225E (4), 244I, 261G (2), 277E,
296H (4) and
300S (2). NA variance is correlated with HA variance in
Antigenic Diversity, even within the sparse 26 Italian NA sequences is observable if only upon reviewing the
four permutations of the
Neuraminidase Triple Combination.
106I, 248N, 286G :
Italy134 from Veneto, sampled 2009-07
106I, 248N, 286S :
Italy127 from Veneto, sampled 2009-06-17, 256L (H3N2, H5N1 Avian)
106I, 248D, 286S : 23 Sequences, including
Italy05 from May 2009
106V, 248N, 286S :
Italy134 is most similar at the protein (468/469) and nucleotide (1407/1410) levels to two different groups of sequences: the NA 286G bearing group from Canada (5 of 6 Sequences) and the Asian group (with
Louisiana03) carrying the rare PF11 dual combination of 106I and 248N (20 sequences). The Russian
Almati01 and
Ekaterinburg01 round out the set with the 106I/248N pairing, but vary at an additional amino acid from
Italy134. Only 24 sequences at GenBank carry the PF11 amino acid homology between 106I and 248N.
PF11Ω is achieved,
Influenza Flux will continue to vary the virulence and transmute the transmissibility at individual geographies. Future scrutiny of the NA permutations discussed here is merited. Bear in mind that the current reservoir, even with this instance of tighter human coupling, remains
hobbled by transitional genetics. Fitness determination of this Seasonal
NA Triple Combination on the swine N1 background of PF11 remains to be determined at such time as sequences are surfaced.
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